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Upcoming Events - Summer 2024


ACPS 2024 Annual General Meeting

ACPS 2023-2024 Annual General Meeting of Members

Time:                          7:30 PM June 26, 2024

Location:                   Teams

ACPS Chemistry Lecture: The Dirt on Cleaning - Prof. Tara Kahan. March 16, 2022 7 PM

ACPS Chemistry Lecture

The Dirt on Cleaning: Increased Disinfection Attempts Affect Indoor Air Quality and Pose Health Risks

Professor Tara Kahan (University of Saskatchewan)

March 16, 2022 7 PM Saskatchewan time.


Author Updated date
Response to COVID-19 amanda.bonin Monday, March 23, 2020 - 11:32
Social Night on February 28th! amanda.bonin Thursday, February 13, 2020 - 10:03
Board Meeting amanda.bonin Thursday, October 10, 2019 - 09:49

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