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Response to COVID-19

The COVID-19 outbreak has been a challenging time for everyone. I hope all members, their families, and friends are safe during this time. It’s important that we continue to practice good hygiene and social distancing and follow guidance from public health professionals. 

As chemists, we encourage members to continue to act professionally, keep healthy and contribute the best we can to the social good.

Please check in on your friends and family by email or phone, to help maintain the community in the absence of face to face interaction. A number of good resources are available for people who are self-isolating / social distancing.

Chemical Engineering News have made their articles on COVID-19 freely available to the public.

Below are two specific articles which may be of interest to Chemists during this emergency:

No link between ibuprofen and COVID-19:

Disinfectant Effectiveness for COVID-19:

Stay healthy and stay safe!


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