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Upcoming Workshop: Landfill and Lagoon Leachate Liabilities

The Associations of the Chemical Profession in Alberta and Saskatchewan are pleased to offer a one-day workshop on chemical leachate issues that affect landfills and lagoons. Special consideration will be given to the plight of small rural communities in Alberta and Saskatchewan that may face leachate regulations and potentially costly programs to monitor, manage, and remediate their facilities.


This workshop will bring together the expertise of professional chemists from both provinces to address the challenges facing regulators and leachate liability holders. It will help stakeholders and decision makers understand the basic chemistry of leachate components, outline the problems that leachates can cause, and provide strategies for dealing with leachate liabilities.


The workshop will be held on April 8, 2016, in the border city of Lloydminster. For additional information and registration, visit the ACPA website at


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